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What Can Local Governments Do To Help?

Air Quality Toolkit for Local Governments

Visit the Resource Library for more information and tools to help implement these air quality improvement strategies.

Mobile Source Strategies

Fleet Management:

Take advantage of the technologies available to fleets. This can include retrofitting older diesel vehicles – including public works vehicles and school buses – with emissions and idle reduction technologies.

Reduce fuel use with GPS technologies and idle reduction programs and policies.

Regularly inspect and maintain vehicles.

Provide eco-driving education to drivers.

Fuel vehicles after 5 p.m. in summer.

Combine/reduce auto trips.

Employ the RAQC’s Street Sanding Program.

 Alternatively Fueled Vehicles:

Purchase electric and alternatively fueled vehicles for local fleets and encourage citizens to purchase these vehicles as well.

Incorporate the provision of charging and alternative fuel stations for vehicles into projects at the beginning of the development phase.

Land Use and Planning:

Develop and implement land use regulations that facilitate walking and biking instead of driving a car. This can include mixing types and densities of housing, mixing types of uses, decreasing parking requirements, emphasizing the connectivity of walking and biking facilities, ensuring the provision of bike parking and storage facilities, expanding bike and walking facilities, etc.

Use the Mixed-Use Development—Trip Generation/Air Quality Analysis Tool to more accurately estimate vehicle trips from mixed-use developments.

Include air quality in considerations in the project review process through the use of the Land Use/Air Quality Checklist.

Incorporate traffic signal timing/coordination into local traffic operations.

Transportation Demand Management:

Expand local participation in transportation demand management (TDM) programs such as the DRCOG’s Way To Go program.

Implement bike and car sharing programs.

Combine/reduce auto trips.

People-Oriented Strategies

Inform citizens about the changes they can make in their behaviors to decrease polluting emissions.

Utilize tools and information offered by the RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. program to help spread the word.

Adopt anti-idling laws or ordinances.

Area Source Strategies

Use low-emission lawn and garden equipment and encourage citizens to do the same.

Limit painting and staining projects to spring and fall seasons and encourage citizens to do the same.

Implement tree planting guidelines.

Reduce emissions from off-road equipment by implementing idling policies and utilizing the RAQC’s retrofit programs for qualifying equipment.

Apply construction mitigation measures to reduce emissions from new developments/large projects.

Stationary/Point Source Strategies

Implement energy efficiency/renewable energy policies and programs and encourage local businesses to do the same.

Take advantage of state and federal assistance programs.