Committee meetings are open to the public and seek input from stakeholders on topics discussed.
Control Strategy Committee
The Regional Air Quality Council’s Control Strategy Committee (CSC) works to evaluate and advance control strategies, or emission reduction measures, that will improve our region’s air quality and support ozone planning efforts. Additional “Work Group” meetings are also scheduled on specific topics as strategy development evolves.
Active work group efforts:
Indirect Sources Technical Work Group
Archived work group efforts:
Oil & Gas Technical Work Group Electrify Lawn and Garden Work Group
Non-road Engines Work Group Local Government Collaboration Work Group
Clean Air Fund Work Group Vehicle Inspection & Maintenance/Fuels Formulation Work Group Employer-Based Trip Reduction Work Group
Prior to June 2019
Mobile Sources/Fuels Committee Stationary/Area Sources Committee Transportation/Land Use/Outreach Committee Strategic Planning Workgroup
Legislative Committee
The Regional Air Quality Council’s Legislative Committee advises and supports the RAQC Board and staff around the RAQC’s legislative engagement efforts.
Operations Committee
This committee is focused on the operations and business matters of the RAQC. Topics discussed and evaluated include, but not limited to, fiduciary and human resources issues, the RAQC’s annual work plan and budget.