RAQC Portal for Local Governments

Local Government Contributions to the RAQC

Each year, local governments contribute to the RAQC to support the RAQC’s ozone modeling, SIP development, and programs implementation. RAQC staff will reach out to local governments to receive the annual payment.

Street Sanding Program

In conjunction with local and state street maintenance departments, the RAQC developed a street sanding program, which has achieved a weighted average region-wide emissions reduction of approximately 50% and has allowed us to comply with the PM 10 federal standard since 1993. Our goal now is to help local governments maintain current street sanding practices in the face of increasing vehicle traffic and significant budget constraints in some jurisdictions.

Local governments can submit the Annual AQR #16 Street Sanding/Sweeping Form here: https://raqc.org/program/street-sanding-program/

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