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RAQC Issues RFP for Website Migration

Published: October 25, 2013

The Regional Air Quality Council is requesting the services of a professional website development firm to migrate its existing websites to a new platform. The work will include recommending, customizing, and maintaining an up-to-date system that will support the seamless migration of current site design, content and functions, as well as long-term security and the […]

The Regional Air Quality Council is requesting the services of a professional website development firm to migrate its existing websites to a new platform. The work will include recommending, customizing, and maintaining an up-to-date system that will support the seamless migration of current site design, content and functions, as well as long-term security and the potential expansion of interactive engagement tools and other utilities.

Please click here to dowload the official Request for Proposal, which provides an introduction to the project, a description of need, a scope of services, and details relating to submission requirements and schedule.

Questions regarding this RFP will be accepted until 5 PM on November 6th. The submission deadline for proposals is 5 PM on November 15th.   

***November 11, 2013 Update: The question and answer period for this RFP is now closed. A list of questions received and the answers to these questions can be found here.