Ken Lloyd Announces Retirement Plans; RAQC Board Opens Search for New Executive Director

Updated: April 16, 2018


Ken Lloyd, longtime Executive Director of the Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC), has announced his plans to retire from the RAQC later this summer.  Ken has spent 28 years as executive director of the RAQC and is looking forward to the next chapter of his life.

At this time, the RAQC Board of Directors has opened a search for a new Executive Director who possesses a combination of demonstrated managerial, technical, and policy leadership roles for the RAQC.  The Executive Director works under the policy direction of the Board of Directors of the RAQC and subject to Executive Orders of the Governor and bylaws of the Council.

Position Announcement: Executive Director.
See position description for additional details.

To Apply:  In addition to a current resume, submit a letter of application of no more than two pages summarizing your experience and how it relates to this position.  Submittals that do not include all requested information will not be considered.

The deadline for applying for this position is Friday, May 18, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. MDT.  Please submit requested application materials in PDF format to  No phone calls please.