RAQC staff place first in 2023 Go-Tober challenge, extra small company category

Updated: November 1, 2023

Stats for the RAQC staff during the Go-Tober Challenge.

Staff at the Regional Air Quality Council have together achieved first place for the 2023 Way to Go Go-Tober Challenge, in the “extra small” company category (1-50 employees). The annual, month-long Go-Tober Challenge is hosted by the Denver Regional Council of Governments’ (DRCOG) Way to Go program each October. 79 companies and 886 individuals participated in 2023.

The RAQC’s small but mighty staff prioritized telework, carpooling, biking, and finding ways to get around without a car this October. By not driving at all, or by not driving alone for 388 trips last month, they reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by almost 4,000 lbs, reduced nitrogen oxide emissions by 2.3 lbs (an air pollutant), and saved an estimated $3,000 in commuting costs. For winning its size category, the RAQC will be featured in an ad on the Denver Business Journal website in November.

As the lead planning agency for the Denver Metro / North Front Range Nonattainment Area, the RAQC is proud of its dedicated staff for upholding its mission to improve air quality in the region.