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Steve McCannon (ext. 230)

Email Steve Steven McCannon is the Mobile Sources Program Director.  He joined the RAQC in August of 2002.  His work at the RAQC focuses on strategies to reduce mobile source air pollution through policy development and incentivizing the purchase of alternatively...

Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)

Natural (Organic) Emissions from plant material or related solvents from industrial processes. Combine in the atmosphere with NOx to form ozone.

Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT)

A standard areawide measure of travel activity. Most conventional VMT calculation is to multiply the average length of trips by the total number of trips.

Transportation Management Organization (TMO)

A voluntary association of public and private agencies and firms joined to cooperatively develop transportation-enhancing programs in a given area. TMOs typically manage transportation demand in congested urban and suburban communities. The first Denver region TMO...

Visibility Standard

Established by the Colorado State Legislature, the visibility standard requires that not more than 7.6 percent of the light in a kilometer of air be blocked, averaged over four daylight hours. The standard is equivalent to a visual range of 32 miles and was...