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Brown Cloud

The Brown Cloud — a pollutant-related visibility problem — is caused by tiny particles smaller than 10 microns in size, carbon-containing particles and the chemical reactions of certain gases, including NOx, NH3, and SO2. The collective pollutants block...

Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC)

Established in 1973 under section 25-7-109 of the Colorado Air Quality Control Act, the AQCC is an eight-member elected commission with authority to adopt, promulgate, modify. or repeal emission control regulations which require the use of effective practical air...

Regional Air Quality Council Resources

RAQC Fact Sheets Clean Air Fleets Program Summary – 2009 Repair Your Air Campaign Program Summary – 2009 Blueprint for Clean Air Program Summary – 2009 Air Quality Fact Sheet – 2009 Gas Cap Testing Fact Sheet  – 2009 Summer Ozone...