The RAQC explores potential new air pollution control strategies in coordination with stakeholders. The RAQC has developed control strategy concept overviews as brief documents designed to provide clear, high-level information about control concepts currently under exploration for a variety of audiences. These control concepts can be categorized under three stages of development, described below. The RAQC will continue to update these overviews for strategies in the earlier stages as work on them progresses. If endorsed/adopted, these strategies will be part of the weight of evidence considerations for the Attainment Plan under development in 2025.

Control Strategy Concept Overview Documents


Concept Stage Description Implementation Timeframe
Exploratory Under initial consideration, which may include research, analysis, outreach, engagement, and further development. Not yet a specific regulatory or programmatic proposal. Medium to longer- term (2026 or beyond)
Intermediate (draft) Some research, analysis, outreach, and engagement conducted. A specific regulatory or programmatic proposal: may exist elsewhere that the RAQC could consider adapting; could use an existing Colorado approach that could be updated; and/or for which language is in development.

Medium term (as early as 2026, but may be beyond)


Decisionmaker-ready Ready to submit to the endorsement and approval processes of the RAQC Board and AQCC for consideration. Research, analysis, and stakeholder engagement process concluded. Any proposed regulatory language finalized. Short-term (emission reductions beginning before the 2026 summer ozone season)