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O&G Existing Pneumatic Controllers control strategy development


The Regional Air Quality Council has conducted a stakeholder process during 2023 to develop its O&G Existing Pneumatic Controllers emission reduction strategy toward a RAQC Board endorsement of the proposal late in the year.  The workgroup reviewing the control language is meeting to review data, draft regulatory language, and supporting information as posted below.  After RAQC Board endorsement, the necessary documents will be submitted for hearing by the Air Quality Control Commission in early 2024.  The RAQC emission controls proposed for O&G Existing Pneumatic Controllers are to further reduce ozone for nonattainment area planning efforts to reach compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards during the 2024-26 time frame, as well as to reduce greenhouse gases and toxic air contaminants.

The RAQC is currently collecting stakeholder input on the information and proposed regulatory language shown under June 12, 2024 below. Please submit any comments to Tom Moore ( by no later than July 12, 2024.


Meeting Agendas and Materials


Supporting Data and Files


July 12, 2024

Comment Letters on June Version of Control Strategies

June 12, 2024

Attachment A:

Attachment B:

May 8, 2024

March 19, 2024

February 14, 2024

December 1, 2023 Board Direction and Proposed Regulatory Language

November 9, 2023

October 12, 2023

September 14, 2023


August 4, 2023 RAQC Board Direction


2022 data from the Oil and Natural Gas Annual Emission Inventory Reports (ONGAEIR) to the Department of Public Health & Environment were compiled into a single database, posted at the link below.  These data are the baseline for the Control Concept Regulatory Language.  Please review the ReadMe tab for more information about these data.

Complete 2022 ONGAEIR database (March 2024)