Clean Air Auto Repair

The Problem

High-Emitting Vehicles: A relatively small number of high-emitting vehicles contribute disproportionately to air pollution. These vehicles often exceed acceptable emission standards due to poor maintenance or mechanical issues.

Emissions Types: Vehicles emit various pollutants, including nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and particulate matter (PM). These pollutants contribute to smog formation, ozone, and overall air quality degradation.

The Program

Clean Air Auto Repair program (CAAR) is a RAQC program designed as an ongoing effort to combat air pollution and reduce harmful emissions. CAAR identifies high-emitting vehicles and works to repair and midigate poor emmitting vehicles. CAAR utilizes advanced technologies and regular inspections to assess the emission levels of vehicles on the road. The RAQC seeks out vehicles that exceed acceptable emission standards. This program works to curb air pollution but also promotes public health by mitigating the adverse effects of vehicle emissions on respiratory systems. Additionally, an Auto Maintenance Program would incentivize vehicle owners to maintain their vehicles in optimal condition, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and contributing to the overall improvement of air quality in the region.