Every Trip Counts

A Voluntary Program to Encourage Alternative Modes of Travel

The Problem

Ozone pollution is formed when emissions from cars; industry; lawn equipment; and paints, stains and solvents combine with other pollutants and “cook” in the heat and sunlight.  The highest ozone levels are usually recorded in the summer months when temperatures are in the high 80s and 90s and the wind is stagnant or light.

The Program

Not driving your car during the summer ozone months is one of the best ways you can help reduce ozone-creating pollutants.  The Every Trip Counts program provided incentives to people who choose to leave their car at home and bike, walk or use the bus a minimum of two trips per week during the summer.

By leaving a car at home, participants helped improve our summer air and became eligible for drawings for RTD ride tickets. Participants also tracked their trips using the OzoMeter and saw the immediate air quality impact of their trip reduction.  The program was the result of a terrific partnership between the Regional Air Quality Council and the Smart Commute Metro North Transportation Management Organization.

WayToGo by DRCOG provides many of the services and opportunities created by this program.