RAQC welcomes new staff member

Updated: March 3, 2015

Sara Goodwin joined the RAQC in February 2015 as Communications Director. In this capacity, Sara leads the RAQC’s external communications, community outreach and media relations activities; serves as liaison to the public, local governments, businesses and other stakeholders; oversees development activities;  and manages the budget and day-to-day activities of the RAQC’s comprehensive ozone education and outreach program – OzoneAware.

Prior to joining the RAQC, Sara spent the majority of her career in communications and community relations positions, including the Director of Consumer PR and Communications for a national trade association. She has held communications positions for several nonprofits, e-marketing and social impact firms, a nationally accredited online university, and she has volunteered as Co-VP of Communications on the board of the Colorado Chapter of the American Marketing Association (COAMA). In addition, Sara founded Goodwin Communications, Inc. in 2004, where she worked with various organizations on their public relations and marketing communications programs.

Sara holds a M.S. in Technical Communications from Colorado State University-Denver. She received her B.A. in Communication from the University of Colorado at Boulder, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude and 2nd in her Communication class.