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EPA Administrator proposed much-anticipated possible new standards for ground-level ozone

Published: December 3, 2014

  On November 26, 2014, the EPA Administrator proposed much-anticipated possible new standards for ground-level ozone.  Based on the Administrator’s review of the scientific evidence, EPA proposed to update both the primary health-based ozone standard and the welfare-based secondary ozone standard within a range of 65 to 70 parts per billion (ppb).  EPA is also […]


On November 26, 2014, the EPA Administrator proposed much-anticipated possible new standards for ground-level ozone.  Based on the Administrator’s review of the scientific evidence, EPA proposed to update both the primary health-based ozone standard and the welfare-based secondary ozone standard within a range of 65 to 70 parts per billion (ppb).  EPA is also seeking comment on levels for the health standard as low as 60 ppb as well as retaining the existing health standard of 75 ppb.

You can find more information on the proposal at  The link has information on the proposed rule, EPA’s Regulatory Impact Analysis, maps showing projected nonattainment areas under the proposed levels of the standard, and other background information.