Severe Area Ozone SIP Documents From Development Process
Title Date Last Updated
Draft Severe SIP Update – November (In response to updated EPA emissions platform data and models, the Division and the RAQC have updated the mobile source emissions in the 2011 baseline inventory and RFP analysis, updated the area source emissions to the 2017 and 2026 inventories and RFP analysis, and made a minor correction to the 2017 non-road inventory methodology descriptions. These updates resulted in necessary corresponding revisions to the Executive Summary, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 and, therefore, the complete SIP is provided to enable review of the revised Executive Summary and Chapters 3 and 4.) November 9, 2023
Proposed to AQCCFinal Technical Support Documents – Table of Contents (go to: Technical Support Documents to review individual TSDs) November 9, 2023
Newly proposed to AQCC – Technical Support Document 010 – Emissions Inventory Development November 9, 2023
DRAFT –Severe Area Ozone SIP for the Denver Metro and North Front Range Non-attainment Area for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard – DRAFT September 1, 2023
Technical Support Document Index September 1, 2023
Ambient Air Monitoring Data September 1, 2023
Enhanced Monitoring Plan October 1, 2019
Enhanced Monitoring Plan Update September 1, 2023
Modeling Protocol December 2, 2022
Modeling Protocol Addendum September 1, 2023
Ramboll O&G Emission Inventory Update Report September 1, 2023
Severe SIP Executive Summary (replaces December 16, 2022 document) DRAFT July 21, 2023
Chapter 5: Attainment Demonstration and Weight of Evidence Analysis DRAFT September 28, 2023
Chapter 5: Attainment Demonstration and Weight of Evidence Analysis DRAFT July 21, 2023
Chapter 3: Revised Milestone Year Inventory DRAFT June 29, 2023
Chapter 4:  Attainment Year Inventory and Reasonable Further Progress Demonstration DRAFT June 29, 2023
Chapter 11:  Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets and Transportation Control DRAFT June 29, 2023
Severe SIP Executive Summary  – Adopted by AQCC on December 16, 2022 December 5, 2022
Severe State Implementation Plan for the DM/NFR Nonattainment Area for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard  – Adopted by AQCC on December 16, 2022 December 2, 2022
Withdrawal of selected Chapters of Severe Plan as proposed to AQCC November 11, 2022