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RAQC Featured on 9Health Facebook Live

The RAQC’s executive director, Mike Silverstein, was featured on 9Health Facebook Live, discussing summer ozone pollution, health effects, and simple steps for better air. You can watch and share the story here.

The RAQC and CEO Open Charge Ahead Colorado Application for Electric Vehicle and Charging Station Funding

The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) and Colorado Energy Office (CEO) have opened the Charge Ahead Colorado application for electric vehicle (EV) and charging station funding. At this time, RAQC has funding for both charging stations and EVs for applicants within the Denver Metro Area. CEO has funding for charging stations for applicants outside the Denver Metro Area. All charging stations are required to be networked.

An application guide, informational webinar, application and other grant resources can be found on the Charge Ahead Colorado Homepage.

RAQC Joins Governor Polis and CDPHE in Air Quality Awareness Week Proclamation

In recognition of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)  Air Quality Awareness Week, the RAQC – in partnership with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) – joined Governor Polis’ proclamation of April 29-May 3, 2019, to be Air Quality Awareness Week (AQAW) in Colorado, encouraging people to use the Air Quality Index to understand actions they can take when air quality is poor, and make strides to improve the overall outdoor air quality.

Included in the proclamation and in partnership with the RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. public outreach and education program, CDPHE aims to empower and motivate Coloradans to help in reducing harmful air pollutants by eliminating or combining car trips, carpooling, taking public transportation, walking and biking, using low-emission vehicles, mowing the lawn and refueling their car in the evening.

You can read the full proclamation here.