The North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NFRMPO) recently included an article in their quarterly newsletter on the 2018 ozone season, written by RAQC staff member Amanda Brimmer. Read the article on pages 6 and 7 here.

Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Program
The Regional Air Quality Council has begun receiving comments from stakeholders and individuals regarding the proposed Low Emission Vehicle program under consideration by the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC). You can view these comments below. Click...
The RAQC and CEO Open Charge Ahead Colorado Application for Electric Vehicle and Charging Station Funding
The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) and Colorado Energy Office (CEO) have opened the Charge Ahead Colorado application for electric vehicle (EV) and charging station funding. At this time, RAQC has funding for both charging stations and EVs for applicants within the Denver Metro Area. CEO has funding for charging stations for applicants outside the Denver Metro Area. All charging stations are required to be networked.
An application guide, informational webinar, application and other grant resources can be found on the Charge Ahead Colorado Homepage.
4th Maximum Ozone Values Table (ppb) through September 30th, 2018
Click here to view current table
The Denver Metro/North Front Range area is designated as nonattainment by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the pollutant ozone. The 2015 8-Hour Ozone Standard is 70 parts per billion (ppb) and is calculated using a rolling three-year average of the fourth (4th) highest daily 8-hour ozone concentration.
The table linked above shows current monitoring data for the nonattainment area, including the top four (4) values for each monitoring site for the current ozone season as well as the 4th highest values for the previous two years. The 4th highest values over a three-year period are averaged to determine the Design Value (DV) at each monitor. The highest DV is the test of attainment, with all monitors having to be at or below the standard.
The RAQC’s ozone education campaign, Simple Steps. Better Air., issues Ozone Action Alerts as well as notices about upcoming community events. The public is encouraged to participate in efforts to reduce air pollution by joining the Clean Air Community and using the OzoMeter to track air quality impacts.
For additional information on ground-level ozone, please visit or call (303) 629-5450, ext. 220.
Click here to view previous tables
RAQC To Host ALT Fuels Colorado Webinar August 31
The RAQC is hosting an informational webinar on Friday, August 31st to review useful information about ALT Fuels Colorado vehicle grant program. The webinar will cover the following topics: overview of the two funding sources, funding levels for each source, eligible equipment for each source, how and when to apply, award process, and an opportunity for Q&A. For those unable to attend, the webinar will be recorded and posted on the ALT Fuels Colorado webpage.
RAQC Opens ALT Fuels Colorado Grant Application
ALT Fuels Colorado opened a new grant application period on August 15th. The application period will remain open through September 27th, 2018. For more information on the grant, visit the ALT Fuels program page or contact Kaylyn Bopp, Program Coordinator.
Federal CARB waiver rollback and CDPHE LEV
In 2009, and again in 2013, EPA granted a waiver of preemption to California for its “Advanced Clean Car” regulations, which allowed the state to set tighter greenhouse gas (GHG) standards and develop a Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) program and a Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) mandate. On August 2, 2018, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed the “Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021-2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks” (SAFE Vehicles Rule), which effectively freezes fuel economy standards at 2020 levels and rescinds California’s preemption waiver taking away the option for states to adopt California’s standards.
Under order by Governor Hickenlooper, the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division is continuing to move forward with proposing adoption by the Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) of California’s LEV program by the end of the year. A request for hearing will be made at the August 16, 2018 AQCC meeting, with a public hearing anticipated to be scheduled for November 15, 2018. Additional information on the upcoming Colorado rulemaking is available on the AQCC website.
City of Aurora releases RFP for Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Electric Bikes
ALT Fuels Colorado Grant to open August 15th
ALT Fuels Colorado will open a new grant application period on August 15th. The application period will remain open through September 27th, 2018. For more information on the grant, visit the ALT Fuels program page or contact Kaylyn Bopp, Program...
EPA Concurs with Colorado 2017 Wildfire Exceptional Events for Ozone
On July 11, 2018, EPA notified the State of Colorado of concurrence with a request to exclude ozone data influenced by wildfire exceptional events in September 2017. These events resulting in several monitors exceeding the 2008 ozone standard on September 2 and 4,...