The Colorado Energy Office and the Regional Air Quality Council today announced the latest round of Charge Ahead Colorado grant recipients. You can read the press release here.

RAQC and Partners Join Governor To Announce Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan
The RAQC and its partners joined Governor John Hickenlooper on Jan. 24 to announce the release of the Colorado Electric Vehicle (EV) Plan, delivering on a directive set forth in the July 2017 Executive Order, “Supporting Colorado’s Clean Energy Transition.” The plan...
RAQC Releases 2017 End-of-year Report for Simple Steps. Better Air. Ozone Outreach & Education Program
RAQC and CEO Open Charge Ahead Colorado Application for Electric Vehicle and Charging Station Funding
The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) and Colorado Energy Office (CEO) have opened the Charge Ahead Colorado application for electric vehicle (EV) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) funding. At this time, RAQC has funding for both EVSE and EVs for...
RAQC Opens Local Agency Air Quality Projects Grant Pool
The Regional Air Quality Council's Local Agency Air Quality Projects grant pool is now open! The application period will remain open through March 16th, 2018 and $450,000 will be available to qualifying local agencies through this program. Click here for more...
Ozone Designations – 2015 Standards – Colorado State Recommendations and EPA Response
RAQC Funding for Alternatively Fueled Trucks Highlighted in Boulder Daily Camera Article
A recent article in the Boulder Daily Camera - "Longmont second city in Colorado to convert sewage byproduct into fuel" - highlights RAQC funding for alternatively fueled trucks. You can read the article here.
RAQC Says Goodbye to Departing Members
At its Friday, December 1, 2017 Board meeting Council said thank you and goodbye to two members. All were recognized with a token of appreciation to recognize their contribution to improving air quality in the Denver/North Front Range region. Natalia Swalnick...
RAQC Approves 2018 Work Program and Budget
At the December meeting, RAQC members approved the 2018 Work Program and Budget. You can read the Work Program here.
RAQC Considers Colorado’s Electric Vehicle Plan Mandated by the Governor’s Executive Order
At the December board meeting, RAQC members reviewed and discussed Colorado’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Plan mandated by the Governor’s Executive Order “Supporting Colorado’s Clean Energy Transition” (D 2017-015). The draft details the EV policy landscape building...