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Commercial Lawn & Garden Meeting Documents

  Documents from the Commercial Lawn & Garden Meeting, hosted by the RAQC on April 5th, are available below. Agenda Overview Presentation Literature Review Literature Review Summary Discussion Topics Alt Fuel Commercial Lawn and Garden Equipment Handout...

RAQC submits comments on the Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Fund

  On November 4th 2016, the RAQC Board reviewed and approved recommendations for implementing the Volkswagen mitigation trust fund within the state of Colorado.  Input was received from local stakeholders, through the Mobile Sources & Fuels subcommittee, and...

RAQC announces first round LAAQPGP awards

  The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) is pleased to announce the first round recipients of the Local Agency Air Quality Projects Grant Pool (LAAQPGP). Five projects were chosen for the 2016-2017 contract period, with a total funding allocation of...