
OzoneAware Celebrates 2014 Clean Air Heroes

As the summer of 2014 comes to an end, we’re happy to celebrate some of the folks who’ve gone above and beyond in the call to help take care of our summer air. These are people who consistently take transit, walk, ride bikes or carpool in favor of driving alone. These...

RAQC to Host Optical Gas Imaging Camera Training Oct. 13-15

On October 13-15, 2014, the RAQC will be offering a free level 1 optical gas imaging (OGI) camera certification training to local government staff involved in research and oversight of the Colorado oil and gas industry.  This training is provided through a...

RAQC Opens Charge Ahead Colorado Application

The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) and Colorado Energy Office (CEO) have opened the Charge Ahead Colorado Application for electric vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). The next deadline for funding is 5:00 PM MST on February 4, 2014. ...