The Mow Down Pollution event has been completed for 2012. A big "Thank You" to all of our partners and participants who made the event a success! Three large, roll-off dumpsters were filled with gas-powered mowers and approximately 315 mowers were purchased. If you...

Colorado Offers Tax Credit for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
The State of Colorado is offering an Innovative Motor Vehicle Credit of up to $6,000 to taxpayers who have purchased an alternative fuel vehicle, converted a motor vehicle to use an alternative fuel, or replaced a vehicle’s power source with an...
EPA Designates Metro Area/Northern Front Range Marginal Nonattainment Under 2008 Ozone Standards
As required by the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on April 30, 2012 announced final designations for 45 areas under the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone. The nine-county Denver Metro...
RAQC Announces Optical Gas Imaging Camera Loan Program
The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) is offering an Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) Camera to assist industry and local governments/health departments in voluntarily identifying and repairing gas leaks at oil and gas industry exploration and production facilities along...
RAQC welcomes new staff member
Meg Alderton joined the RAQC in March 2012 as Communications Manager. In this capacity, Meg leads the RAQC’s external communications, community outreach and media relations activities; serves as liaison to the public, local governments, businesses and other...
EPA intends to support Colorado’s 2009 ozone area designation recommendation
In a December 8, 2011 letter to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, EPA expressed its intent to support Colorado's 2009 recommended ozone area designation and boundary for the Denver Metropolitan and North Front Range area. ...
Tightening of Ozone Standard Delayed to 2013
The Obama Administration has pushed back the tightening of the federal ozone standard which lobbyists say could cost billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs. The current standard of 75 parts per billion set in 2008 by the Bush administration...
EPA Published Final Rule on Denver’s Attainment Demonstration for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard
EPA published the Final Rule for Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans; State of Colorado; Attainment Demonstration for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard, and Approval of Related Revisions in the Federal Register, Vol. 76, No....
U.S. regulators delay smog rule for fourth time
The Environmental Protection Agency is again delaying issuing a final limit on ozone (smog) pollution until the Obama administration has finished reviewing it. The rule is going through interagency review at the White House Office of Management...
Sustainable Land Use Measures & Air Quality Planning Process Workshop Summary
Now Available: Sustainable Land Use Measures & Air Quality Planning Process Workshop Summary (8.14 MB) Prepared by: Office of Policy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - May 5, 2011 A Workshop was held with the Regional Air Quality...