
RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. Releases 2021 Highlight Video

The RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. (SSBA) team is excited to release a video with highlights from the 2021 campaign. The SSBA team couldn’t do any of this important work without their numerous partners, who are taking action and making a positive impact more and more every year. We always welcome new partnerships, so if you are a local community or organization in the Denver Metro area looking to make a positive impact that improves air quality and public health, please contact Sara Goodwin at the RAQC. You can watch the 2021 highlight video here.

RAQC Announces Second Round of Clean Air Champion Awardees

The RAQC is pleased to announce two Summer 2021 Clean Air Champions, Via Mobility Services and the Town of Erie!

Via Mobility Services began air quality improvement efforts in 2018, committing to investing in an equitable energy future and a new microgrid project. Later that year, Via launched the first electric HOP, and old diesel bus that was converted to electric. That success helped secure funding for three new electric buses that arrived in Spring 2021. In late 2020, Via announced their vision to become a zero-emission transit provider.

The Town of Erie has worked to increase electrification of its light-duty vehicle fleet, and since 2019 has been growing its charging station network with a goal of reaching 25 publicly available charging stations by 2025. In addition, Erie deployed 10 air quality monitoring stations in August 2021, to be operated by Ajax Analytics and Colorado State University. These stations were deployed near oil and gas well pads and adjacent neighborhoods as part of the Town’s Air Quality Monitoring Program.

If you know of any entities you believe should be recognized for their efforts, or would like more information, please contact Jessica Ferko.

RAQC Op-Ed Gets Published in Online News Source

An op-ed authored by the RAQC’s executive director, Mike Silverstein, was recently published in Colorado Newsline, an online news source. The op-ed focuses on the role employers play in meeting our region’s air quality goals. You can read the op-ed here.

RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. Featured on 9News

RAQC staff and its Simple Steps. Better Air. program were recently featured in a television news story about how “simple steps” really do work to improve our region’s air quality. You can view the story here.

RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. and Suffer Better Partner Featured on FOX31 News

The RAQC’s SSBA team was happy to once again partner with Suffer Better and sponsor their inaugural Ride & Tie event on May 15th at Staunton State Park in Pine, Colo., to raise awareness about the air quality issues we face in the Denver metro area. SSBA and Suffer Better were featured in a story about the event and how to improve air quality on FOX31’s Colorado’s Best program. You can view the story here.

The RAQC and CEO Open Charge Ahead Colorado Application for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Funding

The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) and Colorado Energy Office (CEO) have opened the Charge Ahead Colorado application for electric vehicle (EV) charging station funding. At this time, the RAQC has funding for EV charging stations for applicants within the Denver Metro Area, and the CEO has funding for charging stations for applicants outside the Denver Metro Area. All charging stations are required to be networked.

An application guide, informational webinar, application and other grant resources can be found on the Charge Ahead Colorado Homepage.

State Releases Draft Language for Transportation Rule, Including ETRP

The Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) released draft language, available now on the Air Quality Control Commission’s website here, on their state transportation rule, which includes Employee Traffic Reduction Program (ETRP) as a potential greenhouse gas reduction strategy for employers within Colorado’s Ozone Nonattainment Area. The APCD’s proposal builds off of work done by the RAQC to develop an ETRP framework.
In addition to ETRP (under Regulation 22), the draft proposal includes language on the Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (under Regulation 11), as well as minor revisions to the Colorado Low Emission Automobile Regulation (Regulation 20). The GHG Pollution Standard rule language is still being developed and more information will be available soon on next steps.
The APCD encourages interested parties to remain engaged in and updated on the upcoming rulemaking process at the AQCC website. Interested parties can also sign-up for Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) notices by emailing your contact information to Subject: Email Distribution List. You can also send written comments on these rules to the same email address.
More information can be found on the APCD Webpage.