
RAQC Reopens Application Round for ALT Fuels Colorado Grant Funding

To improve air quality throughout the state of Colorado, today the RAQC reopened its ALT Fuels Colorado application round to continue incentivizing the replacement and scrappage of pre-2009 vehicles with fully Electric and Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) fleet vehicles. These funds are available to all public, private, and non-profit fleets statewide within Colorado. Go to the program website for more information and to apply.

The RAQC Welcomes Three New Staff Members!

The RAQC is excited to announce the hiring of three new staff members! Sarah Clark joined the RAQC in March as Air Quality Program Coordinator and is managing the Charge Ahead Colorado program. In late-April, Jennifer Shriver joined the staff as Development Director, and Wayne Chuang joined as Air Quality Planner & Analyst. Welcome to the RAQC team!

The RAQC is Accepting Nominations for “Clean Air Champions” Recognition Program

The RAQC is looking to award their second round of Clean Air Champions! Aligning with its mission to “improve air quality and protect Colorado’s health, environment and economy,” the RAQC is looking to recognize entities (i.e., public, private and nonprofit organizations, local governments and municipalities, etc.) that demonstrate a commitment to improving air quality in our region. The RAQC has identified the following categories as being of interest:

  • Diesel: The RAQC wants to recognize entities that are working towards reducing emissions from medium and heavy-duty diesel engines – both on and off road. Diesel engines emit nitrogen oxides (NOx) which contribute to the formation of ozone pollution. The Denver Metro / North Front Range needs to dramatically reduce these emissions in order to attain our air quality goals.
  • Electrification: The RAQC wants to recognize entities that are working towards reducing emissions through supporting electrification efforts. Electrification is a critical strategy for reducing both pollutants that contribute to ozone pollution and climate change.
  • Transit Outreach Options: The RAQC wants to recognize entities that are promoting programs and projects that encourage low/no emission transit options.

If you know of any entities you believe should be recognized for their efforts, or would like more information, please contact Jessica Ferko.

RAQC’s ALT Fuels Colorado Program Helps Fund First Electric School Bus in the State

RAQC’s ALT Fuels Colorado Program Helps Fund First Electric School Bus in the State

Yesterday, the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) welcomed Colorado’s first electric school bus to its fleet! Funded by the RAQC’s ALT Fuels Colorado program, the Blue Bird Vision Electric replaces a 30-year old diesel bus that was scrapped last year at a Denver metal recycler. The RAQC’s Charge Ahead Colorado program has also funded electric vehicle (EV) charging stations across the district and two of the three district plug-in passenger EVs that are used by staff to travel between schools. Read here for more information and see below for recent news stories about the electric bus.

Colorado school district adds first electric bus to its fleet

BVSD adds first electric school bus to its fleet

RAQC’s TV Meteorologist Advisory Group Meets To Discuss Region’s Air Quality Challenges and Solutions

RAQC’s TV Meteorologist Advisory Group Meets To Discuss Region’s Air Quality Challenges and Solutions

The Regional Air Quality Council’s (RAQC) TV Meteorologist Advisory Group met virtually in late-February to discuss the region’s current air quality issues, simple steps we can each take to improve air quality, and the RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. (SSBA) messaging and resources that are available to them as the summer ozone season approaches. The Advisory Group is comprised of meteorologists from all local television stations and the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE). Look for SSBA content and Ozone Action Alert Day notifications in future weather forecasts in your favorite local broadcast.

Colorado Energy Office Releases Request for Applications for eBike Deployment Projects

The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) has released a Request for Applications (RFA) to solicit proposals to develop and implement eBike deployment projects. As part of the State’s Can Do Colorado Community Challenge (CDCCC), this program seeks to increase access to eBikes for low-income essential workers while maximizing air quality benefits. Additional program objectives include piloting a variety of eBike distribution models including individual ownership and shared deployment, expanding eBike access in communities across the state, and laying a foundation for future scalability and replicability.

This project is being funded in partnership between CEO, City and County of Denver, and the RAQC for a total of approximately $560,000. For more information about the RFA, including documents and program updates, click here. General comments and inquiries may be sent to

RAQC’s Session Proposal Selected for Colorado Municipal League 2021 Annual Conference

The RAQC is excited to announce that its session proposal, Thriving Communities Work Together to Improve Air Qualityhas been selected as part of the program for the 2021 Colorado Municipal League (CML) Annual Conference. The objective of the RAQC’s session is to educate local governments and organizations about the grant funding and resources available to them from the RAQC and the importance of collaborative partnerships in creating thriving communities with improved air quality. 

CML received a record number of submissions for conference sessions and the RAQC’s “…topic was one of the best we (CML) received.” The conference will take place June 22 – 25, 2021, in Snowmass, Colo.