Yesterday, Governor Polis announced the Can Do Colorado Community Challenge, an extension of Can Do Colorado, which spotlights and supports innovative businesses that are finding creative ways to continue serving their customers safely, implementing teleworking, and reducing in-person interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Can Do Colorado Community Challenge calls on local governments and businesses to continue finding safe and sustainable opportunities to jump start the local economy and implement these practices until a cure or vaccine is created. The state wants to continue to champion things like teleworking whenever possible; equity for essential workers; and helping communities provide safe spaces for all to walk, bike, dine, and conduct business. You can read the press release here.
The RAQC worked with numerous partners on the initiative, including the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Affairs, the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment, the Colorado Department of Transportation, the Colorado Energy Office, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade, and the Denver Regional Council of Governments.
Various RAQC programs and resources to aid in this effort and improve air quality are featured in the Challenge fact sheet and on the Improve Air Quality website page.