
A message from our executive director on COVID-19

Dear RAQC Members & Stakeholder Partners,

As requested by Governor Polis and the CDC, the RAQC staff is taking precautions to address concerns about and decrease possible susceptibility or exposure to COVID-19. For that reason, all RAQC meetings will be migrated towards remote conferencing using Zoom for the foreseeable future, and we will reassess as new information becomes available. Please check our meeting agendas posted under the Meetings tab on our website to get access to Zoom meeting information. The RAQC office is currently open and it is “business as usual” at this time, but that could change if building management makes a decision to close. Please contact RAQC staff before arriving in person.

Also, please note that the RAQC staff may be exercising options to work remotely, and during this time, email is the best method of communication. The RAQC is working with all of its state and local partner agencies to ensure that our programs operate as normal, however, delays could occur as the situation evolves. We are closely monitoring the ever-evolving situation in order to respond to and prioritize the needs of our stakeholder partners, as well as the health and safety of our employees.


Mike Silverstein
Executive Director
Regional Air Quality Council
1445 Market Street, Suite 260 │ Denver, CO  80202
303-629-5450, x250 │ 303-915-8236 cell │ | |

The RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. Sponsors “Running Up For Air” Endurance Run Event

The RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. Sponsors “Running Up For Air” Endurance Run Event

The RAQC’s Simple Steps. Better Air. program has once again teamed up with Suffer Better. Suffer Better is a Colorado-based nonprofit that offers endurance athletes opportunities to give back to preserve and protect the natural environment, and support local communities through running events, educational programs and grants. Simple Steps. Better Air. is sponsoring the annual event, Running Up For Air-Colorado (RUFA-CO), an endurance race created to raise awareness and empower organizations working on air quality solutions. RUFA-CO takes place March 6-7, 2020 in Pine, Colo. at Staunton State Park. Athletes will commit to running for 3, 6, 12 or even 24 hours. Proceeds will benefit Protect Our Winters and Conservation Colorado. Find out more about the event here.

RAQC’s TV Meteorologist Advisory Group Meets To Discuss Region’s Air Quality Challenges and Solutions

RAQC’s TV Meteorologist Advisory Group Meets To Discuss Region’s Air Quality Challenges and Solutions

The Regional Air Quality Council’s (RAQC) TV Meteorologist Advisory Group met in February to discuss ground-level ozone pollution and its impact on the Denver metro area. The goal of the Advisory Group is to raise awareness of high ozone days, called Ozone Action Alert Days, as well as the simple steps we can each take to improve air quality. The Advisory Group is comprised of meteorologists from all local television stations and the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE). Look for Ozone Action Alert Day notifications in future weather forecasts in your favorite local broadcast.

The RAQC and CEO Open Charge Ahead Colorado Application for Electric Vehicle and Charging Station Funding

The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) and Colorado Energy Office (CEO) have opened the Charge Ahead Colorado application for electric vehicle (EV) and charging station funding. At this time, the RAQC has funding for both charging stations and EVs for applicants within the Denver Metro Area. CEO has funding for charging stations for applicants outside the Denver Metro Area. All charging stations are required to be networked.

An application guide, informational webinar, application and other grant resources can be found on the Charge Ahead Colorado Homepage.

EPA Publishes Final Rule to Reclassify Denver Area to “Serious” Nonattainment for Ozone

As anticipated, on December 26th , the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule reclassifying the Denver Metro/North Front Range ozone nonattainment area from Moderate to Serious.  The final rule outlines the planning requirements for a Serious area, which is consistent with the elements and timeline the RAQC, in close coordination with the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division and EPA Region 8 staff, have been working under for more than a year.  While the Serious Area Ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) deadline in the final rule is August 3, 2020, due to the unique requirement in Colorado that SIP’s go through the State legislature, the SIP is anticipated to be submitted to EPA in early 2021, following RAQC and Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) approval in 2020. 

EPA’s press release can be found here.  

Lyft To Add 200 Electric Vehicles To Denver Fleet

Governor Polis, Mayor Hancock and Lyft announced today that 200 long-range electric vehicles will be made available to rent in December for its drivers in Denver. You can read a news story about the announcement here.