Dear RAQC Members & Stakeholder Partners,
As requested by Governor Polis and the CDC, the RAQC staff is taking precautions to address concerns about and decrease possible susceptibility or exposure to COVID-19. For that reason, all RAQC meetings will be migrated towards remote conferencing using Zoom for the foreseeable future, and we will reassess as new information becomes available. Please check our meeting agendas posted under the Meetings tab on our website to get access to Zoom meeting information. The RAQC office is currently open and it is “business as usual” at this time, but that could change if building management makes a decision to close. Please contact RAQC staff before arriving in person.
Also, please note that the RAQC staff may be exercising options to work remotely, and during this time, email is the best method of communication. The RAQC is working with all of its state and local partner agencies to ensure that our programs operate as normal, however, delays could occur as the situation evolves. We are closely monitoring the ever-evolving situation in order to respond to and prioritize the needs of our stakeholder partners, as well as the health and safety of our employees.
Mike Silverstein
Executive Director
Regional Air Quality Council
1445 Market Street, Suite 260 │ Denver, CO 80202
303-629-5450, x250 │ 303-915-8236 cell │ | |