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4th Maximum Ozone Values Table (ppb) through July 22nd, 2018

Published: July 23, 2018

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The Denver Metro/North Front Range area is designated as nonattainment by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the pollutant ozone. The 2015 8-Hour Ozone Standard is 70 parts per billion (ppb) and is calculated using a rolling three-year average of the fourth (4th) highest daily 8-hour ozone concentration.

The table linked above shows current monitoring data for the nonattainment area, including the top four (4) values for each monitoring site for the current ozone season as well as the 4th highest values for the previous two years. The 4th highest values over a three-year period are averaged to determine the Design Value (DV) at each monitor. The highest DV is the test of attainment, with all monitors having to be at or below the standard.

The RAQC’s ozone education campaign, Simple Steps. Better Air., issues Ozone Action Alerts as well as notices about upcoming community events. The public is encouraged to participate in efforts to reduce air pollution by joining the Clean Air Community and using the OzoMeter to track air quality impacts.

For additional information on ground-level ozone, please visit or call (303) 629-5450, ext. 220.

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